Akosua Kwakye, also known as AK Songstress, has released a new single titled “Jonathan” (Prod by Abochi). AK Songstress – Jonathan (Prod by Abochi) AK Songstress – Jonathan (Prod by Abochi) AK Songstress – Jonathan (Prod by Abochi) AK Songstress – Jonathan (Prod by Abochi) AK Songstress – Jonathan (Prod by Abo (Prod by Abochi) JONATHAN Don’t look at me like a zombie, don’t play with me, I’m not a zombie, don’t play with me, I’m not a zombie, don’t play with me, don’t play with me, don’t play with me, don’t play with Seybi, you say you’ve done tiya me after all the love I’ve showered on you, and now you’re trying to deceive me. Jona Jonathan Jonathan abi, you want to make thunder fire? Jonathan abi, you want to make thunder fire? Jonathan abi, you want to make thunder fire? Jonathan abi, you want to make Jonathan, God is going to punish you….